Tuesday, March 24, 2009


What erection problems (erection dysfunction) can Viagra (Sildenafil) help?
Viagra (sildenafil) can help men who suffer with erection problems (erectile dysfunction), also called Impotence. This is an ongoing problem with getting or keeping a hard enough erection to have sex to their satisfaction. The erection problem results in the man being unable to penetrate their partner or keep their erection to allow enjoyable sex. Viagra (sildenafil) can be prescribed to alleviate this problem.
How many men suffer with erection problems (erectile dysfunction)?
Most men, at some point in their lives, suffer with the occasional erection problem often associated with stress, tiredness or drinking too much alcohol. However it is estimated that at least one in ten men suffer with frequent and long-standing erection problems (erectile dysfunction) and it is these men who may be able to benefit from Viagra (sildenafil). That means there are well over 2 million men in the UK who suffer with erection problems. The problem becomes more frequent in older men. It is probable that around 20 % of men between 50 and 54 years and 50 % of men between 70 and 74 years have erection problems.
It is estimated that only 10% of men who suffer with frequent and long-standing erection problems (erectile dysfunction) actually seek medical assistance. This is remarkable since effective treatments like Viagra are available for many men that can really help.
What are the causes of erection problems (erectile dysfunction)?
Erection problems or erectile dysfunction is caused by both psychological and physical factors. It is thought that in 75% of cases there is a physical factor involved. Viagra can help in many cases either on its own or with other approaches.
Psychological factors that contribute to or cause erection problems or erectile dysfunction include; stress and anxiety from work or home, conflicts and dissatisfaction with the partner, depression, unresolved sexual" orientation. Men with erection problems often suffer from the fear of failure. Men who have suffered from erection problems in the past worry about their performance, and this removes the pleasure of feeling sexually excited. This in itself contributes to their erection problems.
Physical factors that contribute to or cause erection problems or erectile dysfunction include; diabetes, low blood flow to the penis or too much leakage of blood from the penis, penile nerve damage, hormone imbalance, alcohol and drug abuse including heavy smoking, high cholesterol and stroke
Treatment of erection problems (erectile dysfunction)
Since there are many possible causes of Erection problems, treatments can vary a great deal but in many cases Viagra can help.
Sexual therapy can be of great help for men with erection problems with a predominantly psychological cause. Often medicines are used in association with such therapy.
If a physical cause is the main problem, such as a hormonal imbalance addressing this can remove the erection problems. In some cases surgery can ensure normal blood flow is restored. Treatment of depression can remove erection problems caused by this.
In many cases medicines will be prescribed by a patient's doctor to directly assist the body to create and maintain a good erection. These medicines can either be injected into the penis (E.g. Caverject (alprostadil), inserted into the eye of the penis (E.g. MUSE (alprostadil)) or taken as a tablet by mouth (E.g. Cialis (Tadalafil), Levitra (vardenafil) and Viagra (sildenafil)
Vacuum pumps are another option to help men with erection problems get a good erection.
How does Viagra (Sildenafil) work?
Viagra (Sildenafil) belongs to a group of medicines called "PDE5 inhibitors". It is a blue oral tablet, which is swallowed available in three strengths - 25mg, 50mg and 100mg. For Viagra to be effective, sexual stimulation is required and so Viagra will not create an erection unless a man engages in sexually exciting activity.
Viagra (Sildenafil) works by helping the blood vessels to the penis to let more blood flow. This helps to create and keep an erection. This increased blood flow is achieved by relaxing the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis.
The amount of time Viagra (Sildenafil) takes to work varies from person to person, but on average it takes between 20 minutes to one hour. Within a 4 to 6 hour period after taking the tablet an erection should occur in response to sexual stimulation. A man may find that Viagra takes longer to work if taken with a heavy meal.
Does Viagra (Sildenafil) always work?
Viagra works for most men who take it. In studies, more than 4 out of every 5 men taking Viagra had better erections. VIAGRA works in most men no matter how long they have had ED, what caused it, or how old they are. And Viagra has been shown to work time and again in studies of thousands of patients. In those studies, patients had ED that ranged from mild to severe.
Viagra (Sildenafil) side effects
When taken at the recommended dose, the possible side effects of Viagra (Sildenafil) are usually mild to moderate and last a short time. The most common side effects are a headache and facial flushing. Less common effects include indigestion, dizziness, stuffy nose and visual effects (a blue coloured tinge to vision and increased brightness of light or blurred vision)
Is Viagra (Sildenafil) for everyone?
Viagra (Sildenafil) is only for men.
Viagra (Sildenafil) should only be taken if your doctor has prescribed it for you. This is because Viagra can be dangerous if you take it at the same time as certain other medicines including some that are used to treat chest pain (angina). In addition, men with severe heart or liver problems or have had a recent stroke, heart attack, or who have low blood pressure should not take Viagra.
For these reasons you should always see your doctor if you think you could benefit from Viagra (Sildenafil).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Indeed, FDA-mandated trials for most drugs are small, involving a few thousand patients, compared to the masses consuming a cheap-zyrtec after it has been approved. That means that some rare side effects will be discovered only after the drug has been taken by hundreds of thousands or millions of patients. Expanding the testing process to require more and larger clinical trials might uncover a few more side effects, but would also delay the introduction of valuable new therapies - as it is, drug development often takes more than a decade.

This confronts the agency with a speed-safety tradeoff: ensuring safer drugs entails a longer wait, and hence higher morbidity and mortality for patients in need of new treatments. The agency must thus balance speed of approval with safety. The FDA, although not perfect, at least has access to the right expertise to make science-based decisions on whether the existing speed-safety tradeoff is in the best interests of society. Courts and juries - who only see injured plaintiffs - are poorly positioned to second-guess those balanced decisions and will focus too much on liability rather than innovation.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Viagra- analogue

Grow-your-own Viagra craze hits Britain's garden centres
A chance discovery by a Berkshire allotment-holder that a plant widely available in garden centres has the same effect on men as Viagra has been confirmed by experts at one of the world's leading botanical institutions.
The plant is winter-flowering heather, and botanists at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, many of them heather experts who have recognised the source of its active ingredient, now expect it to be the next must-have plant in British gardens. Demand is already high. Nurseries and garden centres in some areas are having trouble finding sufficient supplies as word spreads of the plant's unexpected properties.
A spokesman for Wyevale Garden Centres, which has 106 UK branches, said: "At first, it was just a trickle of inquiries, but now stores are virtually being besieged each weekend. We have had men buying dozens of the plants and, at one store in Croydon, there were men old enough to know better fighting over the last remaining trays."
The latest gardening craze was triggered by a discovery by a 55-year-old furniture restorer, Michael Ford, on his allotment. He was always experimenting with drinks made from different plants and one day he tried an infusion from his winter-flowering heather. He said: "The effect was almost immediate. I had to stay in my potting shed for an hour or so before I could decently walk down the street."
He then contacted the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, famous for their work with the heather family, to see if they could offer an explanation. They could. Botanist Alan Bennell said: "This first surfaced when East European chemists reported finding a Viagra-type chemical in the floral tissues of winter-flowering heaths. They were able to isolate measurable amounts of material that is an analogue of the active principle in Viagra."
Winter-flowering heather, he explained, belongs to the genus Erica, a close relative of our own native heather. He said: "As yet, the active ingredient has not been found in these British forms, but it is proving to be most concentrated in many of the widely available hybrids sold as winter-flowering heather in garden centres. Particularly potent are forms of Erica carnea, the Alpine heather, whose range extends into the Balkans.
"The work of these biochemists and physiologists - much of it disrupted and lost during the ravages of war - is now coming to light."
From the limited amount of information available, it is suggested the Viagra-analogue is best extracted by steeping the detached small flowers in neat alcohol. An infusion of about 20g of flowers in 100ml of fluid liberates the active principle. A quality full-strength vodka (at least 40 per cent) is also effective. Mr Bennell added: "There is some confusion whether oral consumption or topical application is more effective."
But not everyone is happy about this new discovery. One woman shopping at a Wyvales in Dorking yesterday said: "It's amazing. My husband has never shown any interest in gardening before, but now he's out there night and day fussing over his heathers. Frankly, I preferred it when he left the garden to me and wasn't so frisky."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Erection problems- Erectile dysfunction medication.
Pfizer, which is a huge pharmaceutical company, manufactures Viagra. Many people generally believe Viagra is a breakthrough treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) among men. They feel that it is a magic pill that can improve their sex lives. Contrary to the belief of some people, Viagra is not a magic pill or an aphrodisiac. It is an anti-impotence drug.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder among men that results in loss of erection. Its causes include chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, intake of some prescription drugs or any other serious illness. If erectile dysfunction is due to psychological factors, then men can take psychological counselling. However, when erectile dysfunction occurs due to physical factors, then intake of Viagra becomes necessary.
Viagra tablets come in strengths of 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg. The shapes of these tablets are like that of a diamond and are blue in colour. You can swallow the recommended dosage of Viagra
whole with a glass of water.

You should consult your doctor about intake of Viagra and if the doctor approves, then only proceed. Otherwise, its ingredients may react to produce serious side effects.

Sildenafil is the main ingredient in Viagra tablets. It is a PDE5 inhibitor and acts to regulate the flow of blood in and around penis. When the blood flows easily, it results in hard erection, which is necessary for a satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Effects of Viagra become visible after 45 minutes of its dosage intake and the effects last for about four hours. If the erection with the help of Viagra lasts longer than four hours, then you should seek immediate medical help. Otherwise, it may result in damage to the penis or may cause other side effects.